Art and Psychology - Искусство и психология - 藝術與心理學 - 芸術と心理学- Kunst und Psychologie - Art et psychologie - Arte y Psicología

Facing the Pain: Clinical Experience and the Development of Psychoanalytic Knowledge

The International Psychoanalytical Studies Organization (IPSO) announces its 22nd Congress, to be held in conjunction with the 48th Congress of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA)
The overall topic of the joint Congresses will be
Facing the Pain: Clinical Experience and the Development of Psychoanalytic Knowledge
The aim of the congress is to explore how analysts and patients face psychic pain in the clinical experience and how these encounters inform the ways we develop psychoanalytic theory and technique. Three major topics will be addressed during these congresses: Depression, Disturbances of affect regulation and Disruptions in the process of symbolization.
The IPSO congress program for Prague 2013 will contain a Plenary Session with scientific presentations including the candidates’ awarded papers, the IPSO forum, Supervisions and Interviews with senior analysts, Peer discussion groups and the IPSO Business Meeting where the new Executive Committee will be elected. These activities are intended to provide a scientific, respectful, plural and social environment where candidates can share their experiences, as psychoanalyst in training, enhancing their theoretical and clinical knowledge.

PAPER SUBMISSIONS: 7 September 2012
SUPERVISIONS: 1 December 2012

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